Monday, January 28, 2008

White Collar Litigators

Over the past ten years, the Government has pursued corporate wrongdoers with a vengence. Luckily for the alledged defendants the defense attorneys who represent them are very familiar with Government investigations. These days, most of the white collar defense attorneys used to be on the side of the bar. Former prosecutors are finding themselves sucked into the wonderful mire of top notch defense firms. They bring with them the invaluable experience gained from prosecuting like cases and the "inside scoop" of what really goes on in these investigations. It is a small world, indeed - it is probable that most of these these defense attorneys know the prosecuting attorneys, personally or through reputation. These attorneys travel in small circles and regularly refer business to each other due to scheduling conflicts or the like. The vast experience of these former prosecutors is a great asset to navigating the murky, complex, and sophisticated nature of most white collar litigation.
cartoon source

1 comment:

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